Trial of explanation
Pipi Young Garziarena
I hear the radio and I watch TV, I read newspapers, poems, romans, I go to the cinema, I walk in museums... I do all that, I go to sleep, I rest lonely with myself and I feel I am a good guy, a boy who is doing that he must, ant it's beautiful this sensation of happiness. But sometimes I stay with my friends, boys and girls, and I see they don't care of me. If I would a stupid boy I could understand it. I sometimes feel broken for that. But it's so easy to understand. They don't care of me just because I don't care of them, I really cannot care of them. There's no communication, there's no friendship at least. They are, most of them, good boys and girls, and they have done really good things for me when I have need it, or, simply, when they have got an opportunity. But really most of the time they have not that kind of opportunity, and me too to do the same with them. And our lives they use to pass so apart the ones from the others, and it seems they are not any remedy.
When I am lonely with myself, like I did say before I think friendship it's possible, it's normal, it's necessary. And this sensation it use to grow when I am with the radio, the TV, the newspapers, a book, a movie... And if I really like the book or the movie, the feeling of joy grows so much than I sometimes get really excited, I think things can get so easy and I feel so near of the revolution of ideas on my mind. And I really have got some ideas that I think they are good ideas. But those ideas never could get any solution to the problem I have mentioned and explained before.
The matter it's that I use to get communication with works of artists that I use to like easiest than with the people I use to talk with, with people of flesh and bones.
I thing the problem I have exposed it'does not belong only to me. I thing there so many people even between my friends having the same problem, feeling the same feelings, which are really difficult to understand and so to explain. I have try it during the writing of this test.